Contamination Monitoring & Clearance

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Whole Body Contamination Monitor

The industry’s leading whole body monitor. Scans for radioactive contamination based on 100% gas-free Mirion fibre detectors.

Family of Gas Flow Whole Body Contamination Monitors

The Argos-5AB and Argos-3AB monitors feature our most advanced gas flow detectors optimized for the best possible alpha and beta response (along with minimizing the gamma response).

Compact Body Contamination Monitor

The Argos-3 Compact features the most compact dimensions of all Mirion Whole Body Contamination Monitors and is therefore well suitable for locations with size constraints.

Whole Body Contamination Monitors

The Argos-PAB family of Whole Body Surface Contamination Monitors provides the ultimate user-friendly operation with thorough and reliable detection of external contamination on personnel working in nuclear environments.

Whole Body Contamination for ß Detection

The Argos-PB line of Whole Body Contamination Monitors provides user-friendly operation with thorough and reliable detection of external contamination on personnel working in nuclear environments.

Whole Body Contamination Monitors

Argos-5PBG and Argos-3PBG monitors feature our most advanced gasless, Thin Plastic Scintillator (TPS) detectors optimized for the best possible beta/gamma response.

Vehicle Monitor

Accurately accounts for background fluctuations while screening vehicles for radioactive sources.

Vehicle Monitor

Accurately accounts for background fluctuations while screening vehicles for radioactive sources.

Car and Truck Monitor

Provides quick, automated scanning of large vehicles as they exit a facility.

Car and Truck Monitor

Provides quick, automated scanning of vehicles as they exit a facility.


The CGO-Smart™ LNC is a universal contamination monitor for clearance and free release measurements in a single device.

Large Items Contamination Check

Large Object Monitor for control of contamination at entrance and exit of Nuclear Power Plants.

Small Objects Monitor

The CPO-Smart® monitor performs contamination checks and clearance of small objects in controlled areas of Nuclear Power Plants.

Gamma Object/Tool Monitor

Cronos®-1 Gamma Object/Tool Monitor is an extremely sensitive instrument used to detect radioactivity on small articles such as notebooks, keys, tools, hard hats, and other miscellaneous objects.

Gamma Object/Tool Monitors

Cronos®-4 Gamma Object/Tool Monitors is extremely sensitive instruments used to detect gamma radiation in/on articles such as waste bags, tools, briefcases, hard hats, and other miscellaneous objects.

Tool and Object Monitor

The TOM system is a reliable and fast monitor for release measurements of various objects such as tools and small items. The chamber is 40x50x40 cm and items cannot exceed 50 kg.

Central Monitoring System Software

The Centralized Monitoring System (CeMoSys) software provides a single methodology for HP personnel to track and manage the many varied Contamination monitors that are deployed throughout their site. The simple, graphical interface allows personnel to view all monitors’ statuses at a glance and manage out of service monitors ‘by exception.’

Clearance Measurement of Pressurized Gas Bottles

The Gas Bottle Monitor is a clearance measurement monitor for contamination on the surface of pressurized gas bottles.

Waste Monitor

The RTM640Inc system is a unique waste monitor designed to clear large amounts of material or drums.

Large Waste Monitor

A conveyor-based clearance monitor for quick and accurate scanning of large items, grid boxes, etc.

Large Object Monitor

Quick and accurate scanning of items such as larger tools, boxes, or even a small waste drum.

Waste Monitor

The RTM661/540 system is the largest monitor of the RTM661 family using the same software and filling the final level in reference to customer chamber size requirements.

Gamma Portal Monitors

A new generation gamma portal monitor based on Mirion FastTrack technology.

Gamma Exit Monitor

The highly sensitive GEM-5 gamma exit monitor provides power plants and nuclear facilities the very latest gamma detection capability to monitor pedestrians leaving areas of potential radioactive contamination.

Harsh Background Gamma Portal Monitor

Designed for contamination monitoring in harsh background areas.

High Background Gamma Portal Whole Body Contamination Monitor

Contamination monitoring in high gamma background areas, such as reactor building.

Laundry and Small-Items Conveyor Monitor

Provides quick, automated scanning of long, low profile items.

Small/Long Items Conveyor Monitor

Provides automated scanning of long, low profile items prior to their removal from a facility.

Vertical Laundry Contamination Monitor

An automatic, vertical laundry gamma contamination monitor dedicated to the radiological screening of work-suits.

Horizontal Bed Whole Body Counter

ACCUSCAN bed is a complete, turnkey, whole body counting system. This system identifies and quantifies radioactivity inside the human body with a simple five- to eight-minute count.

AutoScan™ Option

Converts any FASTSCAN™ Whole Body Counting System into a self-service WBC system.

Scanning Germanium Whole Body Counter

The ACCUSCAN II counter is a high resolution, stand-up whole body counter. It is designed to identify and quantify radionuclides with energies between 100 keV and 1336 keV in complicated combinations.

FASTSCAN™ High-Throughput Whole Body Counter

The FASTSCAN system uses large area sodium iodide detectors and Apex-InVivo™ and Genie™ software to achieve low minimum detectable activities with count times as fast as one minute.

Whole Body and Lung Counting Productivity Software

An advanced in vivo counting system and a comprehensive management tool that helps monitor and maintain your counters as well as keep track of all the results they generate.

Lung Counter and Scanning Fission Product Counter

The Model 2275 Lung Counter provides accurate and reliable measurements of uranium, plutonium and americium in the lungs.

Actinide (Uranium/Plutonium) Lung Counter

The Model 2270 Lung Counter provides accurate and reliable measurements of uranium, plutonium and americium in the lungs.

HPGe Detector for Actinide Lung and Whole Body Counters

The ACT-LC Ge Detector was designed specifically for the detection of internally deposited actinides, particularly uranium, plutonium and americium.