Active and Passive Dosimetry

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Ambient/LLR and Tactical Electronic Dosimeter

Integrates a flash-neutron measurement chip into the SOR for a nuclear ‘flash’ scenario.

Personal Electronic Dosimeter

The DMC 3000 unit is a world-class personal electronic radiation dosimeter that represents 25+ years of innovation. Learn about more features here!

Two Way Ranging Live Source of Radiation

A simulated point source of gamma radiation that is omnidirectional.

Orion™ Anchor

Orion Real-Time Location System Component

The Orion RTLS Anchor actively communicates with integrated Orion products including DMC 3000™ LTx and Orion Asset Tags, to track the location of the dosimeter, equipment and critical assets.

Attachable Module

Keep track of worker neutron radiation exposure with the DMC 3000 Neutron Module.

Attachable Module

Connects the DMC 3000 device to the WRM2™ Wirless Monitoring network.

Tactical/Occupational Personal Dosimeter

Real-time dosimeter for field use in military and homeland security applications.

Dosimeter Reader Head

Designed to read and manage RAD-60/62 series electronic dosimeters in modern PC environment

Rugged Industrial Dosimeter Reader

An Electronic Dosimeter self issue rugged reader used to enter and exit radiological controlled areas.

Hands-Free Dosimeter Readers

Enables mass configuration of multiple dosimeters and access to recorded histogram data.

Hands-Free Dosimeter Readers

Wall mounted reader for the DMC 3000/2000 Series dosimeters.

RCA Entry/Exit Reader

An Electronic Dosimeter self issue reader used to enter and exit radiological controlled areas.

Smart Safety Checkpoint

Access control turnstiles provide an access point for issuing electronic dosimeters.

Reader/Recorder for Residual and Tactical Dosimetry

Portable, self-contained reader station for SOR electronic dosimeter configuration.

Simulator Training Device

Explore our state of the art detection, monitoring, and safety technology.

Intelligent Dosimeter Calibrator

Quickly measure, verify and adjust personal electronic dosimeters with Mirion dosimeter calibrators. Learn how they can improve your monitoring process here.

Irradiator for Dosimeter Source Checking

Calibrates up to three DMC series dosimeters simultaneously.

Two Way Ranging “live” Source to Dosimeter Interface

The Rad Tag wirelessly links a Training Device to auto respond to one or more TWR Sources. Designed to minimize instructor input and provide realistic, automated response using the 1/R2 principle for gamma radiation.

Simulation Control Center

The Simulation Control Center (SCC) is a Windows 10™ application that uses a USB Dongle to wirelessly control all models supported in the Sim-Teq™ product line.

Orion™ Asset Tag

Orion Real-Time Location System Component

The Orion RTLS Asset Tag actively communicates by ultra-wideband to other integrated Orion products to track the location of equipment and assets.

Two Way Ranging Live Source of Radiation

A simulated point source of gamma radiation that is omnidirectional.

Adaptive Wireless Monitor

The AWM Adaptive Wireless Monitor is a dynamic new wireless remote monitor system that now represents an ALL-in-ONE solution for nuclear industry remote monitoring .

Teledosimetry Data Transmission

Repeating antenna that powers the active dive antenna and returns it’s signal back to the central WRM2™ base station.

Wireless Remote Monitoring System

Multiplexer system to network up to eight DMC 2000™ electronic dosimeters for diving or area monitoring applications.

Wireless Remote Monitoring System

Signal repeating antenna to extend the range of the WRM2 system.

Wireless Remote Monitoring System

External transmitter module for bringing devices such as the AMP area monitor onto the WRM2 network.

Wireless Remote Monitoring System

Allows for wireless remote monitoring with WRM2 system capable devices.

Teledosimetry Data Transmission

Waterproof underwater antenna for transmitting electronic dosimeter in an dive environment.

DIS Dosimeter Reader

The DBR-1 Dosimeter Reader is designed to read DIS-1, DIS-1H3 and EDIS-1 dosimeters.

Direct Ion Storage Dosimeter

The DIS series of personal electronic radiation dosimeters can operate at high dose rates and inside pulsed fields. It’s lightweight, but rugged.

Environmental Direct Ion Storage Dosimeter

DIS dosimeter for use in environmental and perimeter area monitoring.

TLD Irradiator

A fast automatic way of irradiating Mirion TL dosimeters.

TLD Dosimeter System Software

The configuration and management software for the TLD series dosimeter.

Radiation Monitoring Solutions for a Range of Applications

A Wide Selection of Specialized Dosimeters to Suit Your Needs.

Beryllium Oxide (BeO) Optically Stimulated Luminescense (OSL) Dosimeter

Small, lightweight Beryllium Oxide (BeO) Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) based dosimeter with wear periods ranging from one week to one year.

Beta, Gamma, X-ray & Neutron Radiation Monitoring

The Genesis Ultra TLD-BP Dosimeter responds accurately to beta, gamma, X-ray and neutron radiation sources.

Ring Dose Measurement

Durable plastic construction can be worn under surgical gloves. Available in three sizes and colors with wear periods from one week to one year.

Simulator Training Device

Explore our state of the art detection, monitoring, and safety technology.

DMC 3000™ Beta Module Hp(0.07)

For the DMC 3000 Dosimeter

The Beta Module provides operational dosimetry for hospital personnel, first responders, and nuclear workers where there is a Beta radiation risk.

Location Telemetry Module (LTx)

For the DMC 3000™ Dosimeter

Part of the Orion™ RTLS ecosystem, the purpose of the Location Telemetry Module (LTx) is to provide an additional real-time location feature and to transmit worker data (worker information, gamma radiological data and setpoints) to WRM Telemetry Systems. LTx module is also backward compatible with WRM2™ Telemetry system and can be used as an enhanced telemetry module with capabilities for localization.


Real-Time Location System

Orion Real-Time Location System, or RTLS, helps nuclear plants maximize efficiency in outage planning and daily operations.