Homeland Security

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Large Vehicle Monitor

A conveyor-based clearance monitor for quick and accurate scanning of large items, grid boxes, etc.

Vehicle Monitor

Quick and accurate scanning of items such as larger tools, boxes, or even a small waste drum.

Car and Truck Monitor

Provides quick, automated scanning of large vehicles as they exit a facility.

Car and Truck Monitor

Provides quick, automated scanning of vehicles as they exit a facility.

Spectroscopic Radiation Portal Monitors (SRPM)

Radiation portal monitors with real-time radionuclide identification, providing alarms for sources of interest only

Gamma Portal Monitors

A new generation gamma portal monitor based on Mirion FastTrack technology.

Gamma Exit Monitor

The highly sensitive GEM-5 gamma exit monitor provides power plants and nuclear facilities the very latest gamma detection capability to monitor pedestrians leaving areas of potential radioactive contamination.

Personal Radiation Detector

A discreet yet robust PRD designed for law enforcement, fire rescue, and other emergency responders to detect and interdict nuclear and radioactive materials. It also provides dose measurement and alarming capabilities for event response.

Radio Isotope Identification Devices (RIID)

The SPIR-Ace unit is a versatile Radio Isotope Identification Devices (RIID) addressing all applications requiring efficient detection and identification of radiological threats

Human Portable Radiation Detection

The SPIR-Pack system is a backpack device which provides discrete search and identification of radiological and nuclear materials.

Radiac System™

For Naval Vessel

This system is based on Radiac LLR probes connected to RADIAVIEW management software operated from the NBC console.

Radiac LLR Vehicle

Radiac System for Vehicles or Shelters

Military grade nuclear radiation monitoring for vehicle-based applications.

Light Wide Range Radiological Detection and Identification Sensor

The SPIR-Explorer sensor is a lightweight radiationdetector designed to be mounted on a UAV/Drone or UGV/Robot for a wide range of applications where radiation detection, measurement, and nuclide identification is needed.

Advanced Spectroscopy Platform

The SPIR-Ident Mobile Platform is a modular and scalable system that can be configured for easy deployment in vehicles, compact transportable modules, or in low profile (stealth) configurations.

Personal Electronic Dosimeter

The DMC 3000 unit is a world-class personal electronic radiation dosimeter that represents 25+ years of innovation. Learn about more features here!

Ambient/LLR and Tactical Electronic Dosimeter

Integrates a flash-neutron measurement chip into the SOR for a nuclear ‘flash’ scenario.

Personal Radiation Monitor

The potential threat of a radiological terrorism incident requires that first responders are equipped with a radiation monitor that is designed to address the radiation hazards they may face.

Dosimeter Management for First Responders

DosiFFR platform is a streamlined dosimetry management software designed to meet the needs of medium size organization or deployable systems.

Hand-Held Health Physics Communication ALARA* Platform

The Colibri® survey meter is a comprehensive health physics instrument with unique characteristics that can lower the dose exposure of HP technicians and other workers in radiation areas.

Modular Radiation Survey Meter

The RDS-31 meter is a versatile radiation detector and survey meter with a range of external probes that provide extended functionality. Explore applications and features here.

Radiation Survey Meter

The RDS-30 instrument is a general purpose digital handheld radiation survey meter commonly used in a range of industries. Find out more here!

High Sensitivity Military Pocket Radiac

This simple to operate, compact device is suitable for both tactical and non-tactical radiation protection use.

Light Wide Range Radiological Detection and Identification Sensor

The SPIR-Explorer sensor is a lightweight radiationdetector designed to be mounted on a UAV/Drone or UGV/Robot for a wide range of applications where radiation detection, measurement, and nuclide identification is needed.

Alpha/Beta Probe

The SAB-100 probe for measurement of surface contamination. Calibration and QA measurements can be performed directly with the probe.

Very Low Dose Rate Probe

The SVLD device is designed to quickly and accurately measure very low dose equivalent rates near background using a lightweight CSP™ compatible probe.

Supervisory Software

A supervisory software platform which networks and displays data from fixed and mobile radiation detection systems.


Military Radiac Set

The RDS-100V military radiac set is designed to detect and measure dose rate and accumulated dose derived from gamma-ray and beta radiation.


Radiation Detection System

RDS-100P™ Radiation Detection System offers comprehensive radiation management and unsurpassed reliability in a self-contained, portable system.


Multi-Functional Survey Meter

The ADM300A(V1B) meter detects and displays relative level of beta particles.