Spectroscopy & Radiochemical Laboratories
Spectroscopic and radiochemistry solutions for laboratory, field, and personnel applications with experts located throughout the world to provide local support and address any measurement needs.
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Silicon Lithium Detector for X-ray Spectroscopy
Silicon Lithium X-Ray Detectors are the heart of solid state x-ray spectroscopy systems. These detectors, which are p-i-n devices formed by lithium compensation or drifting of p-type silicon, are the result of some of the most carefully controlled manufacturing processes in existence.

Nal LED Temperature-Stabilized Scintillation Detector
Model NAIS-3×3 Sodium Iodide Scintillation Detector is a high-efficiency scintillation detector featuring a 3 x 3 in. NaI(Tl) crystal in an aluminum housing, including a photomultiplier tube, an internal magnetic / light shield, a high-voltage power supply (HVPS), stabilization electronics, preamplifier, and an 8-pin Mirion proprietary connector.

Calibration Software
Combining the detector characterization produced with the MCNP modeling code, mathematical geometry templates, and a few physical sample parameters, the LabSOCS Calibration Software gives you the ability to produce accurate quantitative gamma assays of most any sample type and size.