Radiation Monitoring Systems

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Area Gamma Monitor

The G64 area gamma monitor forms part of the CAMSYS™ product line.

Wide Range Gamma Area Monitor

Continuously monitors gamma dose rate under mild or post-accident environmental conditions.

Mobile Iodine Monitor

Continuously measuring the gamma volumetric activity of radioactive iodine sample contained in air drawn from stacks, ventilation ducts or working areas.

Mobile Low Range Noble Gas Monitor

The NGM 209M monitor samples air in discharge stacks or ventilation ducts.

Tritrium Monitor

Installed tritium monitor for workplace monitoring, decomissioning, stack release or other applications.

Spectrum Analysis Monitor

The SAM 201K monitor detects gamma radiation and provides gamma spectra analysis with identification of isotopes. Available with a 1’’x1’’1/4 NaI(Tl) detector.

Seismic Alpha Beta Particulate Monitor

The ABPM 201S monitor samples air extracted from ventilation ducts or stacks. Can withstand seismic conditions. Allows dynamic compensation of radon and thoron progenies.

Radiation Monitoring System

The experts and specialists of Mirion Munich offers a wide range of high-qualified, customized solutions for worldwide nuclear applications as e.g. radiation monitoring and neutron flux measurements.

Seismic Iodine Monitor

The IM 201S monitor continuously measures the gamma volumetric activity of radioactive iodine sample, in both molecular and organic forms contained in air drawn from stacks, ventilation ducts or working areas. Can withstand seismic conditions.

Off-line Gamma Liquid Monitor

The LM 212S monitor samples liquid from a pipe, a tank or a pool. Can withstand seismic conditions. Version with a 4π 4” shielding.

High Range Noble Gas Monitor

The NGM 203S monitor is a high range noble gas monitor sampling air in discharge stacks, ventilation ducts or working areas. Can withstand seismic conditions.

Particulate Iodine and Noble Gas Monitor

The PING 206S monitor continuously measures the particulate, iodine and noble gas volumetric activities in stacks, ventilation ducts or working areas. Can withstand seismic conditions. Allows dynamic compensation of radon and thoron progenies.

Particulate and/or Iodine Sampler

The PIS 204L sampler continuously samples air from effluent stacks, ventilation ducts or working areas. Version with manual flow rate control.

Steam Generator Leak Rate Monitor

The SGLM 201K monitors steam generator leak rate in PWR nuclear power plants by measuring 16N volume activity.

Steam Generator Leak Rate Monitor

The SGLM 202K monitors steam generator leak rate in VVER nuclear power plants by measuring 16N volume activity. The NaI scintillator is embedded in a 2 π 2’’ lead shield.

Spectrum Analysis Monitor

The SAM 201K monitor detects gamma radiation and provides gamma spectra analysis with identification of isotopes. Available with a 1’’x1’’1/4 NaI(Tl) detector.

Wide Range Gamma Area Monitor

Continuously monitors gamma dose rate under mild or post-accident environmental conditions.

Very Wide Range Gamma Area Monitor

Monitors dose rate in nuclear facilities for personnel exposure or for process monitoring.

High Range Gamma Area Monitor

Continuously monitors dose rate under harsh or post-accident environmental conditions.

Beta Irradiation Monitor

An in-line monitor designed to detect beta radiation in process and effluent lines in nuclear power plant or nuclear facilities.

Medium Range Gamma Area Monitor

Monitors dose rate in nuclear facilities for process monitoring. Perfect for sump monitoring.

Wide Range Gamma Area Monitor

Continuously monitors gamma dose rate under mild or post-accident environmental conditions.

High Range Noble Gas Monitor

The NGM 203S monitor is a high range noble gas monitor sampling air in discharge stacks, ventilation ducts or working areas. Can withstand seismic conditions.

High Range Gamma Area Monitor

Continuously monitors dose rate under harsh or post-accident environmental conditions.

Shielded Particulate and Iodine Sampler

The PIS 203S iodine sampler samples air effluents under accident conditions. Shielded for ALARA purposes and for use under accident conditions and with dual unit capability.

Digital Power Range Channel

The DGK 250 channel is designed and qualified for applications at the level of the reactor protection system and can be used for neutron flux monitoring in the power range in combination with neutron ionization chambers.

Digital Start-up Channel

The DAK 250 channel is designed and qualified for applications at the level of the reactor protection system and can be used in a wide range of RMS and NFMS applications.

Digital Wide Range Channel

The DWK 250 channel is designed and qualified for applications at the level of the reactor protection system for neutron flux monitoring combining pulse and intermediate range in combination with only one detector, e.g. in-core or ex-core wide range fission chamber.

Simulation Software

Comprehensive software using algorithm response simulation with evolution estimates over time for RAMSYS™ monitoring systems.

Maintenance and Set-up Software

User friendly interface for setup, configuration, surveillance, maintenance and network display of RAMSYS™ monitors.

Data Acquisition Software

User friendly software to acquire, store and provide measurements and status with archiving capabilities.

Radiac System™

For Naval Vessel

This system is based on Radiac LLR probes connected to RADIAVIEW management software operated from the NBC console.