Waste Management

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Large Waste Monitor

A conveyor-based clearance monitor for quick and accurate scanning of large items, grid boxes, etc.

Large Object Monitor

Quick and accurate scanning of items such as larger tools, boxes, or even a small waste drum.

Standard Segmented Gamma Scanner

The Standard Segmented Gamma Scanner (SGS system) is designed to perform accurate quantitative assays on gamma emitting nuclides found in fission products, activation products, and Transuranic (TRU) waste.

Large Items Contamination Check

Large Object Monitor for control of contamination at entrance and exit of Nuclear Power Plants.

Small Objects Monitor

The CPO-Smart® monitor performs contamination checks and clearance of small objects in controlled areas of Nuclear Power Plants.

Gamma Object/Tool Monitor

Cronos®-1 Gamma Object/Tool Monitor is an extremely sensitive instrument used to detect radioactivity on small articles such as notebooks, keys, tools, hard hats, and other miscellaneous objects.

Gamma Object/Tool Monitors

Cronos®-4 and Cronos®-11 Gamma Object/Tool Monitors are extremely sensitive instruments used to detect gamma radiation in/on articles such as waste bags, tools, briefcases, hard hats, and other miscellaneous objects.

ISOCS™ Shield Systems

This ISOCS (In Situ Object Counting System) Shield has been designed as the optimum in convenience and functionality for in situ gamma spectroscopy with a germanium detector.

Integrated Crate Interrogation System

The Integrated Crate Interrogation System is comprised of a Box Segmented Gamma Scanner (BSGS) providing high resolution gamma spectroscopy, and a Box Neutron Assay System (BNAS) providing passive neutron counting capability, each mounted in its own separate ISO container.

Integrated Waste Assay System

The IWAS Integrated Waste Assay System is a multi-modality system which provides a combination of active and passive neutron interrogation as well as quantitative gamma analysis.

InSpector Multichannel Analyzer

Provides measurement and/or confirmation of uranium enrichment using the enrichment meter technique.

Sample Inventory Coincidence Counters

The JCC-13 and JCC-14 counters provide a flatter axial response and higher efficiency than the JCC-12™ unit. The cylindrical-shaped sample holder accommodates various samples including liquids, powders and pellets.

Active Well Neutron Coincidence Counter

The JCC-51 counter is used to make active neutron measurements on items such as bulk UO2 samples, high-enrichment uranium metals, UAl alloy scraps, LWR fuel pellets and 238UTh fuel materials.

Handheld Multiplicity Register (HHMR)

The JSR-15 Handheld Multiplicity Register (HHMR) is a handheld shift register/multiplicity circuit intended for neutron counting applications.

Large Epi-Thermal Multiplicity Counter

The LEMC Large Epi-Thermal Multiplicity Counter is a high performance neutron coincidence counter designed for measuring the multiplicity of the neutron emission from both spontaneous fission and induced-fission reaction in plutonium and uranium.

Plutonium Scrap Multiplicity Counter

The PSMC Plutonium Scrap Multiplicity Counter is a high efficiency neutron coincidence counter designed for measuring the multiplicity of the neutron emission from both spontaneous fission and induced-fission reaction in plutonium and uranium.

Passive/Active Neutron Cf-252 Shuffler™ System

The Model WM3210 Passive/Active Neutron (PAN) Shuffler system uses a high speed transfer mechanism to shuffle a 252Cf interrogation source between a source shield assembly and the counting chamber, giving it the ability to be used for both passive and active neutron coincidence counting of fissionable materials.

HENC™ High Efficiency Passive Neutron Counter

Combining a detection efficiency of over 30% with increased shielding to reduce backgrounds, the HENC system is designed to assay 208 liter (55 gallon) drums to detection levels on the order of 1.6 mg of 240Pu-effective in a 1000 second count time.

Special Application Systems

The Hybrid K-Edge/XRF Analyzer is designed to identify and quantify several heavy elements in homogeneous liquid or solid samples simultaneously.

Remotely Monitored Sealing Array

The ‘Remotely Monitored Sealing Array’ or RMSA system is a versatile, low-power active sealing solution that can support multiple sealing and containment verification disciplines.

Hybrid K-Edge Densitometry Software

Hybrid K-Edge Densitometry (HKED software) is a highly accurate non-destructive analysis technique used to determine the uranium and plutonium concentrations in dissolver and product solutions as an alternative to chemical (destructive) analysis.

Fixed Energy Response Function Analysis with Multiple Efficiency

FRAM (Fixed-Energy, Response Function Analysis with Multiple Efficiency) software is a code used primarily to determine the isotopic composition of plutonium in special nuclear materials.

Multi-Group Analysis Software

Multi-Group Analysis (MGA software) was designed to improve the accuracy of these measurements over traditional methods. In addition to the primary application of measuring Pu isotopics,

Multi-Group Analysis for Uranium

Uranium measurements are typically difficult because of varying container shapes, container wall thicknesses, uranium chemical forms and other complications. Multi-Group Analysis for Uranium

Non-Destructive Assay Software

The NDA 2000 software is designed to be a complete acquisition, analysis and archival package for use with all Mirion neutron counters and gamma-ray systems.

ISOCS™ Calibration Software

The ISOCS (In Situ Object Counting System) Calibration Software brings a new level of capabilities to gamma sample assay by eliminating the need for traditional calibration sources during the efficiency calibration process.


TGS™ Tomographic Gamma Scanner

The WM2900 system is designed to accurately quantify plutonium, uranium, fission and activation products in a variety of containers from 20 L pails to 200 L drums in overpacks.